Wise Women’s Workplace
This podcast is for any employee looking to get ahead in their job and become a sought-after team member. We’ll focus on all of those practices and behaviors that no one teaches you at school but that your boss wishes you knew about and that some colleagues may dread that you discover!
32 episodes
#32 Perfectly "Unpromotable"? How Being TOO Good at Your Job is Holding You Back
Are you so good at your job that your boss can’t imagine replacing you? While being indispensable might sound like the ultimate career goal, it could actually be the very thing keeping you from moving up. In this episode of Wise Women’s Wor...

#31 Get What You Want - Advocate for Yourself at Work
Does the idea of asking for a promotion, raise, or recognition make you feel awkward or pushy? In this episode of Wise Women’s Workplace, we’re tackling the challenge of self-advocacy and showing you how to confidently communicate your...

#30 Delightful delegation!
Delegation isn’t just about getting tasks off your plate—it’s a powerful tool for empowering your team, fostering growth, and building trust. In this episode of Wise Women’s Workplace, we explore the art of effective delegation from a ...

#29 Handle “Constructive” Feedback Like a Pro
Ever felt a sting from receiving feedback, especially when it’s constructive criticism? In this episode of Wise Women’s Workplace, we’re breaking down how to embrace feedback as a tool for growth and development, instead of something t...

#28 The Speak-Up-In-Meetings Playbook
Do you hesitate to speak up in meetings, worrying that your ideas aren’t valuable enough or that it’s not the right moment? In this episode of Wise Women’s Workplace, we tackle the challenge of finding your voice in workplace discussio...

#27 Set Boundaries Confidently: Protect Your Time and Energy
Do you often say yes to requests that drain your time and energy, even when you know it's not in your best interest? In this episode, we’ll tackle the challenge of setting boundaries—without feeling guilty. Learn how to protect your time and en...

#26 Building Credibility: Earn Trust and Become a Go-To Team Member
In today’s competitive work environment, credibility is everything. But how do you earn trust and position yourself as the reliable, go-to team member without feeling like you have to prove yourself constantly? In this episode, we’ll explore th...

#25 Understanding Workplace Dynamics: Navigate Power Structures with Ease
Have you ever felt frustrated because it seems like decisions at work are made behind closed doors, or you’re not sure how to align yourself with key players? In this episode, we dive deep into understanding the formal and informal power struct...

#24 Articulate Your Contributions with Confidence
Do you sometimes find it hard to talk about your accomplishments without feeling like you’re bragging? In this episode, we’ll focus on how to confidently articulate your contributions at work without feeling uncomfortable. You’ll l...

#23 Why Being a “Nice” Leader is an Asset
In a world where assertiveness and toughness are often celebrated, being kind can sometimes be seen as a weakness. But what if your kindness is actually one of your greatest leadership strengths? In this episode, we’ll explore how to embrace yo...

#22 Recession proof your career
I am going to share with you some insights that are key to not only making it through a recession, but also how to use the time during a recession to actually improve your career!

#21 Chasing that dream job?
Is there such a thing as a dream job? During this episode, I share why it is very important for your career to really consider what your dream job would be. •Career transition is like a journey People think that career transi...

#20 Dealing With Uncertainty At Work
Uncertainty at work can be difficult! Once you know the source of the uncertainty (listen to episode 19 to know more), there are some different ways you can deal with the uncertainty to change the situation. And if you want to hear more...

#19 Pinpoint Professional Uncertainty
Feeling uncertain at work is a big source of anxiety and stress. In order to take steps towards making the situation better, it's important to first determine what the core cause of uncertainty really is. In this episode, I share how I tackle p...

#18 Make the Most of Working from Home
Working from home isn't as simple as transplanting your office day to your home office! In this episode, I share insights on what I found most important when transitioning from working in the office to working from home.You can find mor...

#17 Move Forward At Work
In this episode I discuss the formula for moving forward at work on a regular basis.

#16 How To Say "No" When You Are TOO Nice At Work
Are you too nice at work and get asked to help others all the time? This episode will give you some ideas on how to avoid getting asked, be prepared if you are asked, and know how to say no, if necessary.

#15 Are You Being TOO Nice At Work?
Are you the one who everyone asks for help at the office and you have a hard time saying no? This episode will help you get clear on why you are behaving that way, when it may or may not be a good idea to help out, and some tips on how to take ...

#14 Want to Leave Your Job? Hurry Up and Stay Put
When you know you want to leave your job, it is so tempting to leave as quickly as possible. Before you do so, make sure you are well prepared.In this episode, I address a few things you can do in the pre-job-search period which will he...

#13 Is this really the right job for you?
Sometimes there are only subtle signs that we are unhappy in our jobs. Are any of these signs there for you? If you are interested in more information, visit www.wisewomensworkplace.com or join our Facebook Group www.facebook.com/

#12 Job Security, Is There Such A Thing?
In this episode, I talk about job security and why it seems so important to so many people and is, in my opinion, only an illusion. If you would like more information, please visit www.anitabelitz.com.

#11 Are You TOO Perfect At Work?
Are you being too perfect at work? Today I would like to address why focusing on perfection may bring you a reward - but not the one you’re hoping for!For more information, please go check out

#10 Meeting With Your Career Mentor
This episode addresses what you can do to keep a great relationship going with your mentor once you finally find one.For more information go to www.AnitaBelitz.com and join the Facebook group